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Rahm Israel Emanuel, Obamas Stabschef

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Der Stabschef Obamas heißt Rahm Emanuel. Wiki informiert:

Rahm Israel Emanuel (Hebrew: רם ישראל עמנואל‎) was born in Chicago, Illinois. His first name, Rahm, means "high" or "lofty" in Hebrew, while his last name, Emanuel, means "God is with us." According to his father, [COLOR="Plum"]his son is the namesake of Rahamim, a Lehi paramilitary group combatant who was killed.[/COLOR] Rahm’s surname was adopted by his family in 1933, after Rahm’s paternal uncle, Emanuel Auerbach, was killed. The family took the Emanuel surname in 1933 as a tribute to uncle [COLOR="Plum"]Emanuel Auerbach, who was slain in a skirmish with Arabs in Jerusalem.[/COLOR]

:kopfkratz: Lehi paramilitary group? :confused: Und wer ist Emanuel Auerbach?

Ähm, hier erst mal der Vater unseres "Rahmbo"

Benjamin M. Emanuel (né Auerbach) is a Chicago pediatrician and former member of the [COLOR="DarkRed"]Irgun[/COLOR]. He is the father of NIH bioethicist Ezekiel J. Emanuel, U.S. Congressman and White House Chief of Staff-designate Rahm Emanuel, talent agent Ari Emanuel, and adopted daughter Shoshana. Benjamin Auerbach was born in Jerusalem in 1927, the son of pharmacists who had fled Russian pogroms. The family adopted the surname Emanuel in 1933, after Benjamin’s brother, Emanuel Auerbach, was killed in a skirmish with Arabs in Jerusalem. In the 1940s, Benjamin Emanuel interrupted his medical school training in Switzerland to take part in an unsuccessful scheme to smuggle guns from Czechoslovakia to the Israeli underground. He later served as a medic in the 1948 Israeli war of independence. In 1953, his medical training brought him to Chicago's Mount Sinai hospital, where he met X-ray technician Martha Smulevitz, the daughter of a Moldavian immigrant and union organizer. The couple married and briefly lived in Israel before returning to Chicago.[3] They had three sons within four years, and according to Benjamin Emanuel, named their second son in honor of Rahamim, a Lehi combatant who was killed. They later moved to Wilmette and adopted their daughter. Benjamin sent his sons to summer camp in Israel, and Marsha insisted they take ballet lessons and accompany her to civil rights protests, where she was arrested three times. Dr. Emanuel's pediatrics practice grew to one of the largest in Chicago

Und was ist Irgun? :nono:

Der eine Bruder von Rahmbo ist in der "Bioethik" unterwegs, der andere ist ein Superagent in Hollywood. Da sieht man mal, wie die Sachen so zusammenhängen.

Weiterhin gefunden:

Some sources report that Emanuel served briefly as a civilian volunteer in the Israel Defense Forces during the Persian Gulf War in 1991. It is said he was stationed in one of Israel's northern bases, where he rust-proofed brakes. Other news reports deny this claim, saying that while he is deeply committed to Israel’s safety, Emanuel never served the army in any capacity.

Seit ich gehört habe, dass sein Spitzname "Rahmbo" ist, weil so ungezügelt und brachial, habe ich doch ein etwas mulmiges Gefühl bei dem Kerl. Und auch sein Gesicht sieht einfach nach einem schlauen Fuchs aus, jugendlich-frech und rücksichtslos-hinterhältig. Also das ist mein Eindruck. Vor allem, wenn er spricht.

Hier eine Anekdote über seine "Leidenschaft":

RAHM EMANUEL, a congressman from Illinois, is often compared to Newt Gingrich. The head of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is clever, energetic and utterly determined to win back the House of Representatives in November. He is also, like the man who led the Republicans to just such a triumph in 1994, somewhat abrasive. He once sent a rotting fish to a pollster who irked him. When he was only 32, his aggressive fundraising helped Bill Clinton win the presidency. At a dinner afterwards, while others celebrated, he snatched up a steak knife and started plunging it into the table, naming his political enemies and yowling “Dead!” after each stab.

In seiner Biographie fand ich das Folgende interessant:

[COLOR="Purple"]Career in finance

After serving as an advisor to Bill Clinton, in 1998 Emanuel left the White House to become an [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]investment banker at Wasserstein Perella, (now Dresdner Kleinwort)[/COLOR], where he worked until 2002. In 1999, he became a managing director at the firm’s Chicago office. Emanuel made $16.2 million in his two-and-a-half-year stint as a banker, according to Congressional disclosures. At Wasserstein Perella, he worked on eight deals, including the acquisition by Commonwealth Edison of Peco Energy and the purchase by GTCR Golder Rauner of the SecurityLink home security unit from SBC Communications.

[COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Emanuel was named to the Board of Directors for the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation ("Freddie Mac") by then President Bill Clinton in 2000. [/COLOR]His position paid him $31,060 in 2000 and $231,655 in 2001. During the time Emanuel spent on the board, Freddie Mac was plagued with scandals involving campaign contributions and accounting irregularities. The Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO) later accused the board of having "failed in its duty to follow up on matters brought to its attention." Emanuel resigned from the board in 2001 when he ran for congress.

Hm ... Dresdner Kleinwort ...

Im August hieß es noch über diese Investmentbank:

„Eine unglückliche Investmentbank mit einer unglücklichen Geschichte, einer unglücklichen Strategie und einem unglücklichen Eigentümer“, fasst ein Londoner Konkurrent die Probleme zusammen. Und weiteres Ungemach droht: Sollte am Sonntag tatsächlich der Favorit Commerzbank den Zuschlag für die Dresdner Bank bekommen, dann könnten der Investmentbankentochter massive Stellenstreichungen ins Haus stehen.


Middle Names

Nur mal so als Notiz am Rande:

Barack Hussein Obama und Rahm Israel Emanuel


Skurrilität lass nach ...


Bankrotteur von Freddie Mac und Dresdner Kleinwort

“Clinton’s going-away gift to Emanuel was a seat on the quasi-governmental Freddie Mac board, which paid him $231,655 in director’s fees in 2001 and $31,060 in 2000,” Lynn Sweet wrote for the Chicago Sun-Times on Jan. 3, 2002.

During the time Emanuel spent on the board, Freddie Mac was plagued with scandal involving campaign contributions and accounting irregularities. Freddie Mac and its sister organization Fannie Mae were taken over by the federal government in September 2008 after years of mismanagement and scandal. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson put the two beleaguered GSEs into a conservatorship, stripping common stock shareholders of their rights to govern the companies.

In 2006, Freddie Mac was forced to pay a $3.8 million fine to the Federal Election Commission to settle allegations it illegally contributed to congressional candidates between 2000 and 2003 – while Emanuel was on the board and running for and serving in Congress.

“Freddie Mac was accused of illegally using corporate resources between 2000 and 2003 for 85 fundraisers that collected about $1.7 million for federal candidates,” an Associated Press story from April 18, 2006 said. “Much of the fundraising benefited members of the House Financial Services Committee, a panel whose decisions can affect Freddie Mac.”

And, since his successful run for the House of Representatives in 2002, Emanuel has been the beneficiary of campaign cash from Freddie Mac and its sister organization Fannie Mae – $51,750 according to the Center for Responsive Politics Web site OpenSecrets.org.

While Emanuel’s was on the Freddie Mac payroll in an overseer capacity, the government-sponsored enterprise was cooking the books. According to a Forbes magazine article from Dec. 11, 2003, the GSE was fined $125 million for understating its earnings by a whopping $5 billion.


Rahm Emanuel, the Chicago Congressman who will be President-elect Barack Obama’s White House chief of staff, is “dangerous, absolutely relentless when he’s got a political kill in sight,” according to an admiring Republican colleague, Oklahoma Congressman Tom Cole. Emanuel is also, President Clinton once told Fortune, “one of the top political minds in Washington,” a former ballet dancer who “favors the counterattack over the attack.”

SOURCE: White House chief of staff


Noch ein Gedanke: Auerbach ist als Name nie und nimmer jüdisch. Das klingt nach einer Bauernfamilie am Ammersee. Klar, die können irgendwo jüdisch sein, aber ... :confused:

Wie ist das übrigens genau abgelaufen, dass die Juden Namen verpasst bekamen wie "Goldmann", "Zuckerberg", "Diamand" ... ?

Wer hat die Leute so genannt, wann und warum? Da hab ich jetzt keine guten Infos zu. Habt ihr da Kenntnisse?

Gleichzeitig, was ich gern wissen würd: wer sind denn die Großeltern von Rahmbo gewesen? Das kann ja wohl kaum ein Zufall sein, dass seine Familie nach USA emigiriert, eine Familie von Terror- und Geheimdienstorganisationen ... und dort wird jedes einzelne Kind völlig erfolgeich in den wichtigen Bereichen:

- Health Care
- Politics
- Entertainment

Der kleine Ariel E. war übrigens Legastheniker, was ihn nicht davon abhielt ein echt erfolgreicher Hollywoodler zu werden.



[COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Auerbach (Jewish family)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/COLOR]

The Jewish family Auerbach, Авербах (אוּרבּח) of the 16th to 18th century was a family of scholars, the progenitor of which was Moses Auerbach, court Jew to the bishop of Regensburg, about 1497. One of his daughters, who went after her marriage to Kraków, is the reputed ancestress of the celebrated Rabbi Moses Isserles ("רמ״א").

Another branch of the family settled at Vienna. A near relative, Meshullam Solomon Fischhof-Auerbach, occupied such an eminent position in the community of Vienna that he married Miriam Lucerna, the daughter of the well-known rabbi and physician Leo Lucerna (Judah Löb Ma‘or-qat‘on L.). She died July 29, 1654 (Frankl, Inschriften, No. 202). In his old age it was his misfortune to be driven from Vienna and exiled (1670) with his coreligionists. Before his death (1677) he had the satisfaction of seeing his sons occupy honorable positions. Nearly twenty years before, his son Menahem Mendel Auerbach was called as rabbi to Reussnitz, Moravia, after having officiated as assessor to the rabbinate at Kraków. The pupil of such men as Yom-Tov Lipmann Heller, Joel Sarkes, and Joshua ben Joseph, at the Talmud school in Kraków, Menahem Mendel attained such a reputation as a Talmudic authority that the rabbis of large foreign communities submitted difficult questions to him for decision.

The best known among Mendel's brothers is Simon Auerbach, who at the age of twenty-three wrote a penitential poem on the occasion of an epidemic that broke out among children in Vienna, in 1634. This poem passed through several editions, under the title Mish'on (sic) la-Yeladim (Support to Children), Frankfort-on-the-Main, 1711. The author died March 11, 1638, at Eibenschütz(de:Ivančice). The poem was printed by the grandson of the author, Meshullam Solomon Fischhof, who added a commentary, Rab Shalom (Much Peace). He also published several prayers and hymns of Israel Nagara, with additions of his own (Frankfort-on-the-Main, 1712).

Hayyim Auerbach, a second brother of Menahem Mendel, settled at Kraków, but later returned to Vienna as assessor of the rabbinate, dying there 7 October 1665. A third brother, Benjamin Wolf Auerbach, settled at Nikolsburg, and was held in high esteem as elder of the community, even officiating temporarily as chairman of the college of the rabbinate. His testament, printed together with the work Meqor Chokmah (Source of Wisdom), which contains an abundance of worldly wisdom and pious reflection, was published by his son, Meshullam Solomon, assessor of the rabbinate at Nikolsburg, who published an ethical work at the same time. Menahem Mendel's successor as rabbi of Krotoschin was his grandson who bore the same name (the son of Moses Auerbach—died May 9, 1739), and was president of the congregation of Krotoschin and of the Synod of the Four Lands. He was the son-in-law of Rabbi Saul of Kraków. A son of the Simon Wolf mentioned above was David Tebele, surnamed "HaKadosh" (the Holy), who died as rabbi of Prague. His name was commemorated by his son Samuel Auerbach, the author of Chesed Shmuel (Samuel's Charity), Amsterdam.

A member of the same family was Phineas Auerbach, president of the Jewish court at Kraków (1695), and author of Halakah Berurah (Lucid Law), a commentary on Orach Chayim.

Hirsch Auerbach belongs to another branch of the family. He was first assessor of the rabbinate at Brody, fleeing thence to Germany with a part of the community to escape exorbitant taxation and the machinations of informers. After wandering from one place to another he settled at Worms, to which he had been called in 1733 to Rabbi Löb Sinzheim's college, and was appointed rabbi in the same community in 1763. He died at Worms May 3, 1778, in the eighty-eighth year of his life, his pious wife Dobresch (daughter of the president Isaac at Brody) dying a few weeks before him. His son, born at Brody, Abiezri Selig Auerbach, was at first rabbi at Edenkoben, then at Buxweiler, where he died in 1767; his wife was the daughter of Isaac Sinzheim, rabbi at Trier and Niederehnheim.
10 Nov 2008
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....hi Minian,

interessante Frage, die Du da stellst.
Es gibt eben Leute, die eröffnen einen Faden/Strang/Tröööt/Thread und hoffen auf Antwort.
So lange niemand antwortet, antworten sie sich selbst so lange, bis jemand kommt und
antwortet...so wie Du und ich zum Beispiel.:giggle:


Was will unser dieser Thread sagen? Planst Du eine Biographie zu schreiben?

Nein, keine Biographie ist in Planung. Ich finde der Typ nur interessant. Sogar sehr. Wenn es euch nicht so geht, habe ich keinerlei Problem damit.

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