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Europa der unbekannte krieg

PSW - Foristen die dieses Thema gelesen haben: » 4 «  

27 Jan 2013
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Iraklis sagte... De und ru haben die kerneuropasupe aus den 40ern aufgewärmt!
Usa und gb haben Wind davon bekommen und sind gerade voll dabei die de nazi eu aufzulösen.. Was auch geschehen wird!
Grund dieses de ru "manoevers" ist der unabweichbare "poll Wechsel" europas zum oestlichen mittelmeer.
Gr und zypern bilden sehr schnell das neue eingagsportal chinas pakistan indiens nach europa und ebenfals die "exportpforte" Russlands zum mittelmeer und afrika.
Griechenland wird deutschland sowohl als eu-energielieferand wie auch export-tor ostassiens ABLÖSEN!

Total war on germany!

27 Jan 2013
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Lesen lernen verstehen...

Iraklis sagte... De und ru haben die kerneuropasupe aus den 40ern aufgewärmt!
Usa und gb haben Wind davon bekommen und sind gerade voll dabei die de nazi eu aufzulösen.. Was auch geschehen wird!
Grund dieses de ru "manoevers" ist der unabweichbare "poll Wechsel" europas zum oestlichen mittelmeer.
Gr und zypern bilden sehr schnell das neue eingagsportal chinas pakistan indiens nach europa und ebenfals die "exportpforte" Russlands zum mittelmeer und afrika.
Griechenland wird deutschland sowohl als eu-energielieferand wie auch export-tor ostassiens ABLÖSEN!

Deutschland ist das einmalige land welches mit nationalen Stolz und Hingabe sich in die pleite malocht.
Unfaehig zu begreifen dass der boden auf dem sie leben KEINE intustrie unterstuetzen kann!


Deutscher Bundeskanzler
5 Nov 2016
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Wie schön, dass man sich hier bei PSW auch an seitenlangen sinnlosen Selbstgesprächen ergötzen kann!
27 Jan 2013
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Wie schön, dass man sich hier bei PSW auch an seitenlangen sinnlosen Selbstgesprächen ergötzen kann!

Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) .... "Ich lege hier für den Fall meines Todes das Bekenntnis ab, dass ich die deutsche Nation wegen ihrer überschwenglichen Dummheit verachte und mich schäme, ihr anzugehören.
27 Jan 2013
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Wo ist dein koenigreich... Fragten die menchen Jesus
Kommt und seht... Antwortete er...

The Incredible Tale of Klaus Kenneth, Germany
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27 Jan 2013
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27 Jan 2013
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Die EAST MED-Pipeline würde Israel auf den europäischen Markt bringen und die Türkei und ihre Hindernisse umgehen. Doch über die Überfüllung des Projekts zum Bau einer U-see-Pipeline, die Griechenland als Brücke erfordert, entstehen neue geopolitische Probleme. Denn die Israelische Ressourcen muessten auch die großen Zypriotichen und Griechichen recourcen miteinbeziehen und somit den Deutsch Türkichen TAP

nutzlos erglaeren. Die TAP-Pipeline ist von Deutschland geplant und begint in der Türkei durch die nördliche Griechenland (Makedonien-Thrakien) Albanien und Italien nach kern Europa.
TAP soll Gas aus Aserbaidschans Kaspische Meer liefernaber alle wissen das es zuwenigund deshalb unlukrativ ist.Einige der ursprünglichen Investoren haben bereits ihr Interesse zurückgezogen und denen auch TOTAL dessen Vorsitzender bei einem Unfall unter ungeklärten Umstände starb. Das Ziel Deutschlands ist den TAP mit Katarichem Gas ueber Syrien-Türkei-Pipeline anzureichern aber auch irakisches und kurdisches (
mit Hilfe des Islamischen Staates isis ).
Deutshland wuerde das gr zy gas auch begrüßen sowie auch das israelische so dass die TAP Wert erhaeltund nicht nur auf „Betrug“ der aserbaidschanischen Felder basiert.
Wenn Israel, Griechenland, Ägypten und Italien den EAST MED bauen dann kollabiert die ganze mühsame Anstrengung -Katar Deutschlands-Türkei (mit US-Segen) um einen
„Southern Energy Corridor zu schaffen,welcher Europa in Abhängigkeit von russischem Gasfuehren wuerde , Katar zu neuen Märkten und der Türkei eine enorme geopolitische Bedeutung geben.Lassen Sie uns nicht vergessen, dass der Krieg in Syrien verursacht und finanziert von Katar -Deutschland weil Assad im Jahr 2009 eine Transit-Pipeline Katar-Jordan-Syrien-Türkei verweigerte, welche sich derPipeline TAP anschliesen sollte und Europa gas liefern würde.Vergessen Sie nicht, dass der islamische Staat eine Schöpfung von Katar und Republikaner Neocons ist und die im Gegensatz zu Obama süchtig fuer Bestechung von den Arabern immer bereit sind und ueber das cia kontrolierte Katar CIA Chaos in Mittlerer Osten schaffen. Vergessen Sie nicht, dass erste Aufgabe der Islamisten des Islamischen Staates war Ölfelder im Norden des Iraks und Kurdistan zu erobern um
die ‚schwarzen‘ Exporte zur Türkei und Saudi-Arabien zu belegen, damit der Entwurf des Süd Energy Corridor am Leben bleibt, zumahl er wegen dem wiederstand von Syrien und dem „Trocknenlaufen“ von Saudi-Arabien dem ende nah kommt.
Die Interessen sind groß und lassen Israel und Griechenland von ihren
Plänen nicht entkommen. Die recoursen von ost mittelmeer sind notwendig fuer den südlichen gas Korridor und die Katar -Deutschland bande wird es nicht aufgeben. Die Türkei als nützlicher Idiot und Protektorat von Katar und Verbündeter von Deutschland wird "aufzuräumen“ muessn.Israel ist eine Tatsache, dass in den letzten zwei Jahren militärischen Bündnissen und Abkommen mit sunnitischen arabischen Halbinsel Ländern geschlossen hat, mit denen sie den gleichen Feind teilt, nämlich die schiitischen Iran. Allerdings ist das energie unabhängige Israel und Zypern und Griechenland ein noch höherer Risikofaktor fuer die araber als der Iran und wird negative Entwicklungen auslösen.Aber egal, Zeit, aufzuwachen und kämpfen für das, was wir am meisten Angst, Zeit für Erwachen. Auf jeden Fall mit oder ohne MED EAST, mit oder ohne Partner, müssen wir die Ausbeutung unserer eigenen gas recourcen beginnen.
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27 Jan 2013
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Die EAST MED-Pipeline würde Israel auf den europäischen Markt bringen und die Türkei und ihre Hindernisse umgehen. Doch über die Überfüllung des Projekts zum Bau einer U-see-Pipeline, die Griechenland als Brücke erfordert, entstehen neue geopolitische Probleme. Denn die Israelische Ressourcen muessten auch die großen Zypriotichen und Griechichen recourcen miteinbeziehen und somit den Deutsch Türkichen TAP

nutzlos erglaeren. Die TAP-Pipeline ist von Deutschland geplant und begint in der Türkei durch die nördliche Griechenland (Makedonien-Thrakien) Albanien und Italien nach kern Europa.
TAP soll Gas aus Aserbaidschans Kaspische Meer liefernaber alle wissen das es zuwenigund deshalb unlukrativ ist.Einige der ursprünglichen Investoren haben bereits ihr Interesse zurückgezogen und denen auch TOTAL dessen Vorsitzender bei einem Unfall unter ungeklärten Umstände starb. Das Ziel Deutschlands ist den TAP mit Katarichem Gas ueber Syrien-Türkei-Pipeline anzureichern aber auch irakisches und kurdisches (
mit Hilfe des Islamischen Staates isis ).
Deutshland wuerde das gr zy gas auch begrüßen sowie auch das israelische so dass die TAP Wert erhaeltund nicht nur auf „Betrug“ der aserbaidschanischen Felder basiert.
Wenn Israel, Griechenland, Ägypten und Italien den EAST MED bauen dann kollabiert die ganze mühsame Anstrengung -Katar Deutschlands-Türkei (mit US-Segen) um einen
„Southern Energy Corridor zu schaffen,welcher Europa in Abhängigkeit von russischem Gasfuehren wuerde , Katar zu neuen Märkten und der Türkei eine enorme geopolitische Bedeutung geben.Lassen Sie uns nicht vergessen, dass der Krieg in Syrien verursacht und finanziert von Katar -Deutschland weil Assad im Jahr 2009 eine Transit-Pipeline Katar-Jordan-Syrien-Türkei verweigerte, welche sich derPipeline TAP anschliesen sollte und Europa gas liefern würde.Vergessen Sie nicht, dass der islamische Staat eine Schöpfung von Katar und Republikaner Neocons ist und die im Gegensatz zu Obama süchtig fuer Bestechung von den Arabern immer bereit sind und ueber das cia kontrolierte Katar CIA Chaos in Mittlerer Osten schaffen. Vergessen Sie nicht, dass erste Aufgabe der Islamisten des Islamischen Staates war Ölfelder im Norden des Iraks und Kurdistan zu erobern um
die ‚schwarzen‘ Exporte zur Türkei und Saudi-Arabien zu belegen, damit der Entwurf des Süd Energy Corridor am Leben bleibt, zumahl er wegen dem wiederstand von Syrien und dem „Trocknenlaufen“ von Saudi-Arabien dem ende nah kommt.
Die Interessen sind groß und lassen Israel und Griechenland von ihren
Plänen nicht entkommen. Die recoursen von ost mittelmeer sind notwendig fuer den südlichen gas Korridor und die Katar -Deutschland bande wird es nicht aufgeben. Die Türkei als nützlicher Idiot und Protektorat von Katar und Verbündeter von Deutschland wird "aufzuräumen“ muessn.Israel ist eine Tatsache, dass in den letzten zwei Jahren militärischen Bündnissen und Abkommen mit sunnitischen arabischen Halbinsel Ländern geschlossen hat, mit denen sie den gleichen Feind teilt, nämlich die schiitischen Iran. Allerdings ist das energie unabhängige Israel und Zypern und Griechenland ein noch höherer Risikofaktor fuer die araber als der Iran und wird negative Entwicklungen auslösen.Aber egal, Zeit, aufzuwachen und kämpfen für das, was wir am meisten Angst, Zeit für Erwachen. Auf jeden Fall mit oder ohne MED EAST, mit oder ohne Partner, müssen wir die Ausbeutung unserer eigenen gas recourcen beginnen.

Die usa drängen den bau des südlichen Gaskorridor easd med nach Europa über den südöstlichen Mittelmeerraum, also Zypern, Israel und alle möglichen Vorkommen Griechenlands . Dies wird gefördert, damit aus Europa das russische Gas entfernt werden kann.Alle möglichen gas felder sollen so weit wie möglich von US-amerikanischen Unternehmen kontrolliert werden, um sicherzustellen, dass der Dollar als Währung für den Kohlenwasserstoffhandel der Region verwendet wird.Deutschland will den Euro als Währungsumtauschinstrument für den Handel mit Kohlenwasserstoffen im Mittelmeerraum, aber dann wäre der Dollar als globale Reservewährung in gefahr. Gestern überquerte der USS H. TRUMAN-Flugzeugträger nach Angaben der internationalen Presse Gibraltar mit seinem Bataillon und war vermutlich nach kreta oder Zypern unterwegs.All dies zeigt uns deutlich, dass die USA die Kontrolle der gasfelder monopolisieren wollen, indem sie zunächst bei ihren Unternehmen in Form von Joint Ventures in Griechenland, Israel, Zypern und Ägypten investieren, während die gasfelder in Libyen, noch ausstehen.Die Türkei ist nirgendwo in der planung der Vereinigten Staaten
für Kohlenwasserstoffvorkommen im Mittelmeer, und dies ist der Auftakt für das, was als nächstes fogen wird.

27 Jan 2013
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The reasons why Russia has established an alliance with Turkey are as follows: a. to ensure the accessibility of Bosporus straits; and b. postponing or canceling the extraction of gas deposits in Greece-Cyprus, which could remove Russia's energy monopoly on the European market.

However, despite all attempts to deepen the Turkey-Russia alliance, the former is captive of its geopolitical past as a NATO country. The new Russia-Turkey engagement has its dark spots since Turkey is passionately claimed by its old lover, no one else in the US.

The US has allowed Turkey to invade Syria and is in talks with Erdogan about the developments that will arise if Turkey continues its operations eastward in Manpower, where US forces are based.

Turkey is now a superpower that does not accept US orders, but dares to put the US at the negotiating table under threat of invasion of the Turkish Democrats. in a US interest area like Mangiz.

The US's commitment to Turkey is the cause of its engagement and rapture by the Russian embrace. The United States wants the Eastern Mediterranean and its deposits as the most valuable alternative for Europe's detoxification of Europe from Russian gas.

Russia, on the other hand, wants the resources of the Eastern Mediterranean untapped to be able to maintain its monopoly and in this strategy it intends to use Turkey.

Turkey is delaying both on behalf of Russia and for its own benefit, the exploitation of deposits in Cyprus and Greece. Without a single rifle, Turkey has hindered the mining of the deposits located in the southeastern territorial waters of Cyprus, which Turkey regards as a pseudo-state's EEZ. On the other hand, it has left the exploitation of its southern and south-western waters Cyprus Association Council, wishing to further strengthen its view of the EEZ between free and occupied Cyprus. Not at all accidentally in the southwest plots is a petroleum company of American interests.

However, the exploitation of the deposits south and southwest of Cyprus and not of the East as well as the tensions created by Turkey in the region do not create conditions for stability for mining and trigger tensions in Israel and Egypt, which also have deposits.

Russia is quite pleased with this situation since gas demand across the world and Europe since 2000 has doubled, which in addition to the revenue it provides to the Russian economy keeps Europe captive.

Russia's tool for extending Europe's energy dependency is Turkey.

Erdogan has managed since 2003 what the Orthodox Balkan nations have not done for themselves, managed the union and cooperation of the Sunni Turks with the Sunni Arabs of Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Erdogan's achievement is even greater if we consider that the Arabs as a whole were slaves of the Ottomans just as Greeks did, and even Muslims did not have equal rights with their homosexual Turks.

Today Saudi Arabia has retreated to the financing of the Turkish economy with capital and investment leaving room in Qatar but since 2003 these two Arab countries have resurrected the Turkish economy.

Germany, Italy and France were the European countries that helped with massive industrial investment in Turkey, which was the closest alternative to Asian countries for investments due to low labor costs and proximity to Europe.
27 Jan 2013
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The reasons why Russia has established an alliance with Turkey are as follows: a. to ensure the accessibility of Bosporus straits; and b. postponing or canceling the extraction of gas deposits in Greece-Cyprus, which could remove Russia's energy monopoly on the European market.

However, despite all attempts to deepen the Turkey-Russia alliance, the former is captive of its geopolitical past as a NATO country. The new Russia-Turkey engagement has its dark spots since Turkey is passionately claimed by its old lover, no one else in the US.

The US has allowed Turkey to invade Syria and is in talks with Erdogan about the developments that will arise if Turkey continues its operations eastward in Manpower, where US forces are based.

Turkey is now a superpower that does not accept US orders, but dares to put the US at the negotiating table under threat of invasion of the Turkish Democrats. in a US interest area like Mangiz.

The US's commitment to Turkey is the cause of its engagement and rapture by the Russian embrace. The United States wants the Eastern Mediterranean and its deposits as the most valuable alternative for Europe's detoxification of Europe from Russian gas.

Russia, on the other hand, wants the resources of the Eastern Mediterranean untapped to be able to maintain its monopoly and in this strategy it intends to use Turkey.

Turkey is delaying both on behalf of Russia and for its own benefit, the exploitation of deposits in Cyprus and Greece. Without a single rifle, Turkey has hindered the mining of the deposits located in the southeastern territorial waters of Cyprus, which Turkey regards as a pseudo-state's EEZ. On the other hand, it has left the exploitation of its southern and south-western waters Cyprus Association Council, wishing to further strengthen its view of the EEZ between free and occupied Cyprus. Not at all accidentally in the southwest plots is a petroleum company of American interests.

However, the exploitation of the deposits south and southwest of Cyprus and not of the East as well as the tensions created by Turkey in the region do not create conditions for stability for mining and trigger tensions in Israel and Egypt, which also have deposits.

Russia is quite pleased with this situation since gas demand across the world and Europe since 2000 has doubled, which in addition to the revenue it provides to the Russian economy keeps Europe captive.

Russia's tool for extending Europe's energy dependency is Turkey.

Erdogan has managed since 2003 what the Orthodox Balkan nations have not done for themselves, managed the union and cooperation of the Sunni Turks with the Sunni Arabs of Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Erdogan's achievement is even greater if we consider that the Arabs as a whole were slaves of the Ottomans just as Greeks did, and even Muslims did not have equal rights with their homosexual Turks.

Today Saudi Arabia has retreated to the financing of the Turkish economy with capital and investment leaving room in Qatar but since 2003 these two Arab countries have resurrected the Turkish economy.

Germany, Italy and France were the European countries that helped with massive industrial investment in Turkey, which was the closest alternative to Asian countries for investments due to low labor costs and proximity to Europe.

Erdogan's plan is to make Turkey an aggressive-imperialist country, as the leftists say - which, like Germany's IPP, initially invaded all neighboring countries, and after being defeated and again preferred by the US as a European observer . In other words, Erdogan aspires to consolidate Turkey's presence in Syria, Iraq, Cyprus, Greece, Bulgaria and the Balkans and gain respect for the United States, which, even if it is ultimately limited, will use it as a conservator just as they did with Germany after BFP.

Erdogan is also optimistic as he keeps the keys to Europe's energy self-sufficiency. Turkey, even without its own gas fields, is a hub of gas pipelines and its ports are pipeline terminals and gas and oil outlets all over the East.

If it succeeds and usurps the deposits of Cyprus, even half, then it will be in a more advantageous position than Germany in BPF and Greich

If the US wants to limit Russia geopolitically, it must remove its energy monopoly in Europe. Russia, on the other hand, uses Turkey as a bravado that does not allow the extraction of the Greek and Cypriot deposits.

Both Russia and the United States need Turkey, which exploits the situation and invades northern Syria to prevent the establishment of a Kurdish state. Turkey thus acquires local superpower qualities that balance between the two largest in the world, while at the same time conducting war within their fields and under their nose, without impact.

However, the Greeks have a tendency to pessimism in relation to the prospect of a military revolt between Greece and Turkey and, above all, the chances of this happening.

The correlation of the Turkish army's success in Afrin and Turkish-GReek, tends to take a comic-tragic dimension.

The city of Afrina and the homonymous province surrounding it are Syrian territory, which has been self-proclaimed since 2012 by the Kurds, who predominated in number over the Arab inhabitants. The Kurds have taken care of the removal of thousands of Kurds from other Syrian provinces since 2012 in order to reinforce the effort of creating the Kurdish state to the west of the Euphrates and always aiming to exit the Mediterranean.

Afrin had been cut off from the Assad regime since the beginning of the war, and in any case it was a disputed area between Turkey and Syria, a relatively new state since it was founded in 1930.

For five years now, the province of Afrin has been an area de facto cut off from the official Syrian state, which is otherwise plagued by an unprecedented tension and lasting civil war.
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27 Jan 2013
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Erdogan's plan is to make Turkey an aggressive-imperialist country, as the leftists say - which, like Germany's IPP, initially invaded all neighboring countries, and after being defeated and again preferred by the US as a European observer . In other words, Erdogan aspires to consolidate Turkey's presence in Syria, Iraq, Cyprus, Greece, Bulgaria and the Balkans and gain respect for the United States, which, even if it is ultimately limited, will use it as a conservator just as they did with Germany after BFP.

Erdogan is also optimistic as he keeps the keys to Europe's energy self-sufficiency. Turkey, even without its own gas fields, is a hub of gas pipelines and its ports are pipeline terminals and gas and oil outlets all over the East.

If it succeeds and usurps the deposits of Cyprus, even half, then it will be in a more advantageous position than Germany in BPF and Greich

If the US wants to limit Russia geopolitically, it must remove its energy monopoly in Europe. Russia, on the other hand, uses Turkey as a bravado that does not allow the extraction of the Greek and Cypriot deposits.

Both Russia and the United States need Turkey, which exploits the situation and invades northern Syria to prevent the establishment of a Kurdish state. Turkey thus acquires local superpower qualities that balance between the two largest in the world, while at the same time conducting war within their fields and under their nose, without impact.

However, the Greeks have a tendency to pessimism in relation to the prospect of a military revolt between Greece and Turkey and, above all, the chances of this happening.

The correlation of the Turkish army's success in Afrin and Turkish-GReek, tends to take a comic-tragic dimension.

The city of Afrina and the homonymous province surrounding it are Syrian territory, which has been self-proclaimed since 2012 by the Kurds, who predominated in number over the Arab inhabitants. The Kurds have taken care of the removal of thousands of Kurds from other Syrian provinces since 2012 in order to reinforce the effort of creating the Kurdish state to the west of the Euphrates and always aiming to exit the Mediterranean.

Afrin had been cut off from the Assad regime since the beginning of the war, and in any case it was a disputed area between Turkey and Syria, a relatively new state since it was founded in 1930.

For five years now, the province of Afrin has been an area de facto cut off from the official Syrian state, which is otherwise plagued by an unprecedented tension and lasting civil war.

The hellenic sunrise 2 from 2013 has written that Syria will be tritonized in the following pieces: a. The central-west Syria with the coasts, b. the eastern desert where the Islamic State jihadists will remain for some time until the CIA escapes them and c. in the northern part that stretches along the Turkish-Turkish border and which will be divided into two main parts, the eastern and western by the Euphrates.

This piece will be inhabited by the Kurdish majority, and the creation of a state or even a semi-autonomous entity is something that is the subject of fermentation between US-Russia and Iran-Turkey.

Assad, with the help of Iran, has already made moves, often violent, of the Sunni populations from a centerpiece destined for him and his replacement by Shia. Assad will be happy as a ruler of one third of Syria, not be referred to an international court as a criminal, since in 2011 he overreacted against his civilian nationals when another Arab Spring broke out in Syria that led to the civil war.

All of the above can not be associated with Greece, which is a target of Turkey but with other qualities.

For Turkey, Greece is part of the problem and a partial objective since the Turkish view of things encompasses both Greece and Cyprus and Egypt as objectives


The eastern Mediterranean with the deposits in Israel, Egypt, Greece (even the Lebanese and Syrian but also the Palestinian, which are not mined at present but will be mined in the future) are the most credible alternative energy prospects for Europe after the already existing the Middle East and the Arabian Peninsula.

Russia, with its involvement in the Syrian war, managed to keep Europe's supply system from M. Adolfo unchanged, a regime that is counterproductive, time-consuming and costly. Europe supplies gas and oil from Antalya by means of floating tanks that cross the Arabian Peninsula (Gulf of Aden-Suez) after the Mediterranean (Suez-Gibraltar) and the Atlantic Ocean to the North Sea ports and of the Baltic Sea. This route, apart from time and cost, is controlled by Russia in its early stages, namely in Aden and Yemen (civilian Shiite Hussite with the Sunnis) and the Suez Canal (the Al-Shishi regime)

Germany's attempt and study of Axios-Donau river linking with Thessaloniki in order to reduce the trajectory of the tankers is a semi-meter.

Russia is currently guaranteed its energy monopoly in Europe. The deposits of the Mediterranean Sea as undersea require large investments in mining and transport infrastructure.

Israel, since the outbreak of war in Syria, realized that Russia's involvement would cancel the plans of the Qatar-Jordan-Syria-Turkey-Greece-Italy-Austria-Germany pipeline and immediately proposed the east med pipeline, an underwater pipeline linking the deposits of Israel-Egypt-Greece and would send to Europe. Israel has deposits that are not enough for export, and if it is to implement the east med, it must be viable to connect Greek-Cypriot-Egyptian deposits as well.

Russia considers east med as the biggest geopolitical threat because this pipeline will free Europe from Russian gas.

Russia will not hesitate to get Erdogan to attack free Cyprus to cancel the east med, and Cyprus with its deposits is the main pillar of the pipeline.

The US, on the other hand, earnestly wants east med and the only way to prevent Turkey from turning against it - for a Russian account - is to entice it with the permission to jump into Syria and offer it a new allied relationship with NATO.

Throughout the scene, Greece is tragically absent while it could be the Orthodox local superpower that would have co-signed with Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia and Skopje for years that something the Germans did not allow us to join the worthy EU.

Turkey, however, with the help of Germany, has managed the coalition of the wealthy Sunni states of the Middle East.

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27 Jan 2013
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The hellenic sunrise 2 from 2013 has written that Syria will be tritonized in the following pieces: a. The central-west Syria with the coasts, b. the eastern desert where the Islamic State jihadists will remain for some time until the CIA escapes them and c. in the northern part that stretches along the Turkish-Turkish border and which will be divided into two main parts, the eastern and western by the Euphrates.

This piece will be inhabited by the Kurdish majority, and the creation of a state or even a semi-autonomous entity is something that is the subject of fermentation between US-Russia and Iran-Turkey.

Assad, with the help of Iran, has already made moves, often violent, of the Sunni populations from a centerpiece destined for him and his replacement by Shia. Assad will be happy as a ruler of one third of Syria, not be referred to an international court as a criminal, since in 2011 he overreacted against his civilian nationals when another Arab Spring broke out in Syria that led to the civil war.

All of the above can not be associated with Greece, which is a target of Turkey but with other qualities.

For Turkey, Greece is part of the problem and a partial objective since the Turkish view of things encompasses both Greece and Cyprus and Egypt as objectives


The eastern Mediterranean with the deposits in Israel, Egypt, Greece (even the Lebanese and Syrian but also the Palestinian, which are not mined at present but will be mined in the future) are the most credible alternative energy prospects for Europe after the already existing the Middle East and the Arabian Peninsula.

Russia, with its involvement in the Syrian war, managed to keep Europe's supply system from M. Adolfo unchanged, a regime that is counterproductive, time-consuming and costly. Europe supplies gas and oil from Antalya by means of floating tanks that cross the Arabian Peninsula (Gulf of Aden-Suez) after the Mediterranean (Suez-Gibraltar) and the Atlantic Ocean to the North Sea ports and of the Baltic Sea. This route, apart from time and cost, is controlled by Russia in its early stages, namely in Aden and Yemen (civilian Shiite Hussite with the Sunnis) and the Suez Canal (the Al-Shishi regime)

Germany's attempt and study of Axios-Donau river linking with Thessaloniki in order to reduce the trajectory of the tankers is a semi-meter.

Russia is currently guaranteed its energy monopoly in Europe. The deposits of the Mediterranean Sea as undersea require large investments in mining and transport infrastructure.

Israel, since the outbreak of war in Syria, realized that Russia's involvement would cancel the plans of the Qatar-Jordan-Syria-Turkey-Greece-Italy-Austria-Germany pipeline and immediately proposed the east med pipeline, an underwater pipeline linking the deposits of Israel-Egypt-Greece and would send to Europe. Israel has deposits that are not enough for export, and if it is to implement the east med, it must be viable to connect Greek-Cypriot-Egyptian deposits as well.

Russia considers east med as the biggest geopolitical threat because this pipeline will free Europe from Russian gas.

Russia will not hesitate to get Erdogan to attack free Cyprus to cancel the east med, and Cyprus with its deposits is the main pillar of the pipeline.

The US, on the other hand, earnestly wants east med and the only way to prevent Turkey from turning against it - for a Russian account - is to entice it with the permission to jump into Syria and offer it a new allied relationship with NATO.

Throughout the scene, Greece is tragically absent while it could be the Orthodox local superpower that would have co-signed with Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia and Skopje for years that something the Germans did not allow us to join the worthy EU.

Turkey, however, with the help of Germany, has managed the coalition of the wealthy Sunni states of the Middle East.


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Erdogans tage kommen folglich zu einem ende und die neue tr regierung attackiert zur rache die gr inseln um die reichen hocheitsgaewaeser zu erobern.
Russland und Deutschland (welches anfuehrer einer geheimen 7 eu staten armee ist) widern die chance das oestliche mittelmeer unter ihre kontrolle zu setzen.
Russland atackiert die tr und vernichtet es in 3 tage.
Deutschland marschiert mit 5 armeen mit ziel die ehemaligen tr grossen 5 haefen kleinasiens.
Beide... Ru und De treffen sich im oestlichen mittelmeer.. Der streit um die Beute endfacht zum 3wk.
Was ich schreibe ist nicht meins.. Es ist wissen.
Ob es vorher eine deutsche oder gesamteuropaiche pleite benoetigt... Oder einen algemeinen brutalen aufstand der deutsch eingefuehrten islampest in europa, dessen Ausmaße und bestialitaet ein holocoust aehnliches blutbad astellen um euch alle zum marsch zu motivieren... Das dueft ihr selbst erforschen.
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27 Jan 2013
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Der trick...
Die berliner nazis drucken frische falchgeldeuros im keller ihrer ezb und senden die kohle zu ihren pleite banken nach griechenland (alle banken Griechenlands sind deutsche unternehmen!)
Mittels dem Gegen uns von den deutschen nazis aufgezwungenem memorantum und der zahlungspflicht aus diesem, gehrt die ganze kohle wieder zurueck nach deutschland... Allerdings ist sie nun reingewaschen!
Mit diesem trick wurschteln sich die deutschen nazis.... seit der unterzeichnung des ersten memos im jahr 2010... Ihrer pleite davon.
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