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Russlandwatch (Titel geändert)

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Russlandwatch (Titel geändert)


MICEX INDEX 950.75 -116.70 [COLOR="Red"]-10.93%[/COLOR]

Dabei hat der Russische Aktienindex dieses Jahr schon 40% verloren.



Die Russen kennen eben keine halben Sachen!



Die Russen kennen eben keine halben Sachen!

Naja, 11,40% ist auch nicht die Welt, da gabs schon ganz andere Imponderablien, wie Du hier gut ersehen kannst.

Iphi :)

Большинство французских газет не поступили в продажу в результате забастовки профсоюза работников типографий, вызванной конфликтом внутри объединения "Нувель мессажри де ла пресс паризьен" - крупнейшей компании, отвечающей за доставку газет во Франции.
Однодневная акция организована в знак протеста против принятия НМПП коммерческого плана "Вызов-2010". Этот документ предусматривает, в частности, закрытие или перенос ряда центров по обработке и доставке прессы, которое будет сопровождаться увольнением около 10% сотрудников.
Одновременно с этим предполагаются увеличение числа продавцов газет и надбавки к их зарплатам.


Beeindruckt dich nicht? Mich schon:


Russisch kann ich leider nicht :winken:


[COLOR="SandyBrown"]Russia's Micex Index Falls Most Ever After Dollar Rates Double[/COLOR]

By Bradley Cook

Sept. 16 (Bloomberg) -- Russia's Micex Index fell the most since Bloomberg began tracking the measure in May 2001, losing 14 percent, after the cost of borrowing in dollars overnight more than doubled and as oil prices tumbled.

OAO Sberbank and OAO VTB Group, Russia's two biggest banks, led the decline in Moscow, falling 14 percent and 16 percent respectively. Financial stocks worldwide slid after American International Group Inc., the biggest U.S. insurer, had its credit ratings downgraded. OAO Rosneft, the government-controlled oil producer, lost 10 percent.

The ruble-denominated Micex plunged 14 percent to 919.24 at 4:11 p.m. in Moscow, the lowest level in almost three years. The dollar-denominated RTS Index dropped 10 percent to 1,151.16, a 54 percent retreat from its highest close of 2,487.92, on May 19.

``It's panic,'' said Oleg Vorotnitsky, head of equity trading at Uralsib Financial Corp. in Moscow. ``There are problems with liquidity on the market. People are having problems with refinancing their positions so they started selling. Concern about AIG in the U.S. is adding to the panic.''

The overnight dollar rate soared 333 basis points to 6.44 percent today, its biggest jump, according to the British Bankers' Association. Rates climbed yesterday after Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. succumbed to mounting credit-market losses and filed for bankruptcy.

Sberbank sank 14 percent to 38.62 rubles. VTB plunged 16 percent to 3.87 kopeks.

Rosneft Drops

Rosneft, Russia's biggest oil producer, fell 17.01 rubles, or 10 percent, to 161.98 rubles, the lowest since its IPO in 2006. OAO Novatek, Russia's second-biggest natural-gas producer, sank 17.96 rubles, or 14 percent, to 112.05 rubles.

OAO Gazprom, Russia's biggest corporate borrower, declined 10.4 percent to 174 rubles ($6.81), less than half its all-time high of 367.54 rubles on May 19.

Crude oil tumbled, dipping below $91 a barrel and taking its two-day decline to more than $10 on concern that turmoil on Wall Street may weaken the global economy and reduce demand.

``For now, we expect the oil price and global financials to dictate moves on the Russian market,'' JPMorgan Chase & Co. strategist Peter Westin in Moscow wrote in a note to investors. ``The outlook for Russian equities today is anything but cheerful.''

To contact the reporter on this story: Bradley Cook in Moscow at bcook7@bloomberg.net.


Nur ein Update:

MICEX INDEX 881.17 -186.28 -17.45% 09:45
MICEX 10 INDEX 1,377.65 -364.65 -20.93% 09:45
RUSSIAN RTS INDEX $ 1,131.12 -146.48 -11.46% 10:01
RTS-2 INDEX 1,474.04 -76.13 -4.91% 10:01
RUSSIAN TRADED INDEX 1,566.83 -317.97 -16.87% 10:00

Danach hat man den Handel ausgesetzt, wer weiß, was sonst noch passiert wäre ...

Via rgemonitor.com von Nouriel Roubini:

# Russia halts trading after benchmark RTS falls 17% and dollar denominated RTS fell 12% as margin calls on local investors and redemption led to panicked selling (FT)
# RTS and rouble-denominated MICEX have lost well over 50% so far this year as inflation (exacerbated by a weaker rouble, slower economic growth, perception of heightened political risk including the conflict with Georgia) and falling oil prices led to major outflows. Russian stocks are now the cheapest in emerging markets
# Government attempts to put a floor in market declines have failed. Medvedev suggested using state funds to prop up equity market. Russian companies-Norilsk Nickel,Lukoil,etc were attempting to amass funds for buybacks in order to drive up prices(via Bloomberg)
# Russia's selloff is exacerbated by outflows from other emerging markets. Russian market vulnerable to sharp corrections given short-term focus of most investors (Uralsib) Few mutual funds, pension funds. foreign investors hold about half the free float (Bond)
# Bond: Although the market is cheap (7.5x forward earnings) and the domestic story is resilient, it will need a pretty significant catalyst (a rising oil price or a major package of oil tax reforms) to counter global risk aversion and investor shock- but the rising cost of money may create attractive bargains, among the domestic plays
# Alfa:In the week to August 27, Russia-dedicated funds saw $67m in withdrawals, the ninth straight week of outflows, though about 20% lower than the week conflict began with Georgia. Russia’s YTD equity capital inflow total has fallen nearly 23% to less than $2 bln, or back to the level of mid-May. Net outflows were seen from the BRICs (-$79 mln) and GEM (-$362 mln) and India and Brazil also posted outflows, albeit less than Russia
# Prime Minister Putin’s harsh public criticism of Mechel underscored Russia’s equity risk premium, which was exacerbated by Russia's involvement in Georgia
# high state take of excess oil/gas revenues discourages energy sector investment


Warum ausgerechnet Russland. Ich denke es war so: Russland`s Wirtschaft hat im Grunde nur vom Öl und der Hausse in diesem Preis gelebt. Aber mit dem Geld haben sie natürlich keine Wirtschaft aufgebaut im Land, sondern ausländische Unsicherheiten (Sicherheiten klingt derzeit lächerlich) gekauft. Im Land selbst kann auch kaum eine Wirtschaft entstehen, da die Zentralbank die Zinsen zu hoch hält.

Tja, der Ölpreis fiel bis zur Schmerzensgrenze der russischen Profit-Methode. The End.


Das stimmt. Aber was ist der RTX? :kopfkratz:


Es ist schon lustig: Vorgestern erschien Hr. Putin im Fernsehen und sagt "Keine Sorge! Die amerikanische Krise ist rein amerikanisch und wird sich nicht auf Russland auswirken! Unsere Wirtschaft ist robust!"
Am nächsten Tag, passiert das oben beschriebene und die Moderatoren der Nachrichtensendungen sind ganz aus dem Häuschen.
Heute steckt die Regierung $20 Milliarden in die Börse - sie steigt - und fällt doch wieder! Und wieder wird der Handel ausgesetzt. :kopfkratz:



MICEX INDEX 1,059.14 205.21 [COLOR="Green"]24.03%[/COLOR] 05:37
MICEX 10 INDEX 1,712.50 400.32 [COLOR="Green"]30.51%[/COLOR] 05:37
RUSSIAN RTS INDEX $ 1,251.40 192.56 [COLOR="Green"]18.19%[/COLOR] 05:37
RTS-2 INDEX 1,457.63 15.68 [COLOR="Green"]1.09%[/COLOR] 05:37
RUSSIAN TRADED INDEX 1,907.89 366.50 [COLOR="Green"]23.78%[/COLOR] 05:37

Da haut's einem doch den Vogel raus. 30%? :kopfkratz:


Es ist mal wieder soweit:

[COLOR="Blue"]Trading suspended on Russia's MICEX exchange as stocks plunge[/COLOR]

MOSCOW (AP) - Trading has been suspended on Russia's
leading stock exchange after shares plunged by more than 15
percent amid a backdrop of falling oil prices and fears
over the global economy.

Trading was halted on MICEX at 1:35 p.m. (0935GMT) for one
hour Monday. Shares fell by 15.4 percent to 781.8 points.
The benchmark RTS index fell by 13.9 percent to 921.7
points, but continued to trade.

Mining firm Norilsk Nickel fell by 25 percent on the
MICEX. State-backed lender Sberbank by 16 percent and
state-controlled oil major Rosneft by 17.4 percent.

Russia's stock market in recent years has boomed amid high
prices for oil and natural gas. But the market began
falling sharply in midsummer amid concerns about government
interference with businesses.
7 Aug 2008
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Irgendwie scheint Dich die Börse aber doch zu faszinieren, gell. :D
7 Aug 2008
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Tokios Börse stürzt ab, Australien senkt Leitzinsen >>

Die dramatische Talfahrt an den Börsen geht weiter: Nach den spektakulären Kursstürzen an der Wall Street rutscht auch der Aktienmarkt in Tokio tief ins Minus. Der Nikkei-Index stürzte zeitweise unter die wichtige 10.000-Punkte-Marke - erstmals seit fünf Jahren.


irgendwie kommt mir der Spruch "besser ein Ende mit Schrecken als ein Schrecken ohne Ende" in den Sinn. Von daher soll man sich an das was stürtzen will nicht krampfhaft festklammern.

Genaugenommen müssten die Tipps von Sarrazin, wie man mit ganz wenig, trotzdem ein "gutes" Leben führen kann, überall dort greifen, wo die Angst vor Abstieg besonders groß ist, also bei den Besitzenden.

Aber es ist fraglich ob sie dieser Logik folgen können, wenn ich sage, dass der Hohn und Spott dieser Äusserungen ein Boumerang ist, der auf einen selbst zurück fällt, weil er den eigenen öffentlich aktzeptierten Handlungsspielraum definiert.
Quasi die Grenze bei allem dem was darüber ist nur von Anspruchsdenken gesprochen werden kann, und höchstens als ungerechtfertigtes Gejammer abgetan wird.

Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Tokios Börse stürzt ab, Australien senkt Leitzinsen >>



irgendwie kommt mir der Spruch "besser ein Ende mit Schrecken als ein Schrecken ohne Ende" in den Sinn. Von daher soll man sich an das was stürtzen will nicht krampfhaft festklammern.

Genaugenommen müssten die Tipps von Sarrazin, wie man mit ganz wenig, trotzdem ein "gutes" Leben führen kann, überall dort greifen, wo die Angst vor Abstieg besonders groß ist, also bei den Besitzenden.

Aber es ist fraglich ob sie dieser Logik folgen können, wenn ich sage, dass der Hohn und Spott dieser Äusserungen ein Boumerang ist, der auf einen selbst zurück fällt, weil er den eigenen öffentlich aktzeptierten Handlungsspielraum definiert.
Quasi die Grenze bei allem dem was darüber ist nur von Anspruchsdenken gesprochen werden kann, und höchstens als ungerechtfertigtes Gejammer abgetan wird.


Wär echt doooof, sich an etwas klammern zu wollen,
was sich bereits im freien Fall befindet.


Wir haben heute nach Russland telefoniert und man hat uns erzählt, dass sich von den Banken bereits Schlangen bilden. 1989, 1998 und 2008. Alle 10 Jahre kracht es bei denen.


Den Russen bleibt wirklich gar nichts erspart.

Financial crisis: Moscow supermarket shelves increasingly empty in Soviet era reminder
Russian shoppers have been served an uncomfortable reminder of the Soviet era after finding shelves in some Moscow supermarkets empty, a further sign that the woes of the financial markets have begun to affect the mainstream economy.

By Adrian Blomfield in Moscow
Last Updated: 10:11PM BST 16 Oct 2008

For a generation of Russians who queued daily in the snow for the most basic of staples, the symbolism of a bare supermarket shelf is so powerful that it could potentially destroy the reputation of Vladimir Putin, the prime minister, as saviour of the world's largest country.

The shortages are not yet widespread. Even so, goods have begun to vanish from dozens of Moscow supermarkets over the past fortnight.

At a branch of the supermarket chain Samokhval in southwestern Moscow, a handful of shoppers pushed their trolleys through empty rows of shelves that once groaned under the weight of imported wares.

The deep freezes hummed, although there was nothing to freeze. Only a row of baked beans, a few jars of olives and sealed cupboards filled with vodka and cheap wine interrupted the void.

Unlike in the dying days of the Soviet Union, when the madcap policies of a bankrupt ideology inflicted deprivation across the country, today's shortages are very much rooted in modern Russia's enthusiastic embrace of capitalism.

Samokhval, which has 60 outlets across the capital, is the victim of a credit crunch whose tentacles have spread to virtually all sectors of the Russian economy. With trust a commodity in short supply, distributors have been unwilling to refinance the chain's debts and have stopped supplying.

Similar problems have affected Mosmart, which has 58 outlets and is also suffering from empty shelves.

The breadlines are unlikely to reform any time soon -- most supermarkets seem to be operating almost as normal -- yet such shortages seem extraordinary in a city that revels in its reputation as the world's most expensive.

A consumer boom, built on runaway oil prices, has turned Russians into some of the world's most aggressive spenders.

Yet the global financial crisis and investor jitters over Russia's increasingly aggressive foreign policy and its propensity to intervene in the private sector at the whim of the Kremlin have led to share prices tumbling.

The Moscow stock exchange's main indices lost over nine percent yesterday, and have fallen over two-thirds since touching all-time highs in May.

So rapidly have events moved that many Russians are almost unaware of the meltdown. A government-ordered news blackout of the market's woes has helped perpetuate the ignorance, convincing many that it was only the West that was affected. Tabloids have run stories claiming that Britons are so short of cash they can no longer bury their dead.

Despite the shortages, shoppers at Samokhval seemed either unconcerned or fatalistic.

"Life gets better, it gets worse," said Yevgenia Krasovskaya, a doctor. "Difficult times are followed by good times. Even if there is a little less now, what difference does it make so long as the basics are there? We've been through much worse than in the past." But Samokhval's checkout girls were more pessimistic.

"We're worried," said Svetlana, who would not give her surname as her supervisor was lurking nearby. "The management tells us everything will be ok, but I don't believe it."


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